Sunday, October 23, 2011

whew, that was a long and arduous process

Just finished publishing my findings on the Polygon Movie Maker Model file format (support for which is currently being added to universal-editor based on the great work of the GPLv2-licensed dunan and other projects)

"PMD file format" article at MikuMikuDance on Wikia

I'm not taking the time to re-list it here, because most people don't care. However, I thought it best to make this specification known, at least to the people who might actually find it useful.

As far as I know, no one has actually bothered to officially publish these findings yet. All the references I could find are GPLv2-licensed source code, so they are freely modifiable and redistributable.

Since Higuchi Yu-san does not seem to want to release the source code of his program, the least we can do is use the (official-as-can-be) specification to build a new, more powerful, Polygon Movie Maker, hopefully with cross-platform and multi-language support, and most of all, hopefully as free as can be, under the GNU General Public License.

1 comment:

  1. i've got no idea what you're talking about but i'm happy you're blogging again michael san.. hisashiburi! :D
