Saturday, December 10, 2011

Features to come in PolyMo Live! custom renderer

The idea for this system comes from the popular Polygon Movie Maker (MikuMikuDance) animation program developed by higuchuu4.

However, the code is written entirely from scratch (as higuchuu4 did not release the source code to the public) in C#, based on the Universal Editor platform I have been working intensely on.

Features will include (sorted in order of priority):

  • Animated textures (such as GIF and MNG) provided by changing the texture applied to the surface each frame.
  • Chain multiple MMEffect renderer effect presets for a single model
  • Save MMEffect presets selected for the models along with the animation file you are saving (will require an extension to the Polygon Movie Maker PMM document format, or a new PolyMo Live PML document format)
  • Play animations and their associated songs from a Playlist file supported by the Universal Editor platform. Currently these include XSPF, WPL, ZPL, and M3U. Sound facilities will initially be provided by VLC.
  • Remote control the interface over TCP/IP (to place the rendering software on the computer dedicated to the projector and keep the controlling computer separate)
  • Synchronize stage lighting using a DMX interface - this is an extremely low-priority and out-of-my-expertise project, but something I'd like to see anyway (any DMX-using .NET developers out there?)

Estimated date of first release for this project? Don't push me. I just got out of school for the semester, I'm going to be hard at work hacking for the next few weeks. Sadly, I have to fix most of the deficiencies in the Universal Editor platform before even attempting to write a program based off of it!

Perhaps one day I will write a history of how the Universal Editor came to be. If it's not interesting to any of my (few) blog-followers out there, at least it will provide an entertaining story to distract me from coding if I ever have a hackers' block.

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